We are so excited to have you join us for our wedding in Mexico! Baja California Sur holds a very special place in our hearts, especially Rancho Las Cruces. Las Cruces is an idyllic beach resort on the Sea of Cortez and we cannot wait to share it with you.
Your willingness to travel for our nuptials is the greatest gift of all! Below are more details on how to book your shuttle to and from the venue.
The dates of our wedding weekend are June 21st to June 23rd, 2024. As a thank you for traveling, we have booked all of your hotel rooms for you. Check-in is at 1PM on Friday, the 21st, and check-out is at 1PM on Sunday, the 23rd.
Depending on what airport you are traveling from, the van ride to Rancho Las Cruces is about 40 minutes from La Paz or 3 hours from Cabo San Lucas. Guests will be able to coordinate their shuttle transportation with the form below. For those wanting to travel in a group, it is recommended that one person make a reservation for up to eight people per van. Upon arrival at the hotel, the staff will then be able to split the cost between the different parties.
The cost for the shuttle is not per person but per van so the more people in a van, the more cost effective it will be which is why we are encouraging guests to travel in groups.
Tip is not included for the driver and the cost is $300 from the La Paz airport and $500 from the Cabo airport.
For Las Cruces, the road to get there is dirt so taxi’s will not be able to make the journey. If you would like help coordinating a group to travel with, please reach out to either of us.
Thank you for traveling with us – it wouldn’t be a celebration without you!
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.
With the utmost love,
Emily & Matt