Swim with the Whale Sharks in the Sea of Cortez at the exclusive Rancho Las Cruces Resort in Baja Mexico!
Each year, from December through April experience epic whale shark watching in the Sea of Cortez a few minutes from historic Rancho Las Cruces, an exclusive Baja seaside resort located on a natural sanctuary of more than 10,000 acres and 7 miles of private pristine coastline only a short drive from the La Paz, BCS international airport.
Relax in all inclusive luxury at the natural treasure and marine sanctuary that is Rancho Las Cruces a unique all inclusive property where you can experience an unforgettable escape. Everything about whale shark watching at Rancho Las Cruces is special: idyllic beachfront accommodations, included resort activities and its perfect location to view the gentle marine giants in their natural spawning habitat.
If you long for peace and quiet, where time moves at a slower pace; if you love the unspoiled wonders of nature and the whale sharks in their pristine ecosystem, we invite you to go back in time and enjoy the natural paradise of Rancho Las Cruces.
Experience the Whale Sharks in Baja!
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